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Limanowa 2023 🇵🇱 🇪🇺 - Merli is still the European king 👑
Classification Photos (Grzegorz Kozera) Photos (Team Beyou) (English Version) Another more absolute victory and in Category 2 for the...
20 jul 20234 Min. de lectura
248 visualizaciones
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Entry List & Streaming Subida a Chantada 2023 🇪🇸
Entry List/Lista de Inscritos Live Timing/Tiempos en Directo Streaming (English Version) After the Subida a Valdeorras the Spanish...
13 jul 20233 Min. de lectura
468 visualizaciones
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Subida a Valdeorras 2023 🇪🇸 - Iraola returns home and wins again
Classification (English Version) Joseba Iraola (Nova NP01) after his great results in Europe, returns to Spain in style with a solvent...
2 jul 20234 Min. de lectura
270 visualizaciones
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On board Michal Ratajczyk (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X RS) 🇵🇱 - Ecce Homo Šternberk 2023 🇨🇿 🇪🇺
(English Version) It's always amazing to see Polish driver Michal Ratajczyk on his powerful HillClimbMonster. The powerful Mitsubishi...
1 jul 20232 Min. de lectura
494 visualizaciones
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Entry List Limanowa 2023 🇵🇱 🇪🇺
Entry List EHC Entry List Poland Live Timing Streaming (English Version) After the Coppa Paolino Teodori, the European championship...
29 jun 20234 Min. de lectura
512 visualizaciones
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Coppa Paolino Teodori 2023 🇮🇹 - Special victory for Merli at home
Classification EHC Classification Italy (English Version) Victory for Christian Merli (Osella FA30) who with this already adds 6 this...
28 jun 20235 Min. de lectura
205 visualizaciones
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On board Alexander Hin (Osella FA30) 🇩🇪 - Coppa Paolino Teodori 2023 🇮🇹 🇪🇺
(English Version) Camera on board of the German driver Alexander Hin in the last Coppa Paolino Teodori in Italy scoring for the European...
22 jun 20231 Min. de lectura
855 visualizaciones
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Subida a Les Revoltes d'Ibi 2023 🇪🇸
Classification Photos (English Version) After the Subida Internacional al Fito, the Spanish championship came in its second race of the...
11 jun 20234 Min. de lectura
185 visualizaciones
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Karl Werner (Audi S2-R Quattro) 🇦🇹🚀
(English Version) Spectacular HillClimb Monster of the Austrian driver Karl Werner. It is a 4-wheel drive Audi S2-R Quattro, with an R5...
8 jun 20232 Min. de lectura
336 visualizaciones
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Ecce Homo Šternberk 2023 🇨🇿 🇪🇺 - An unstoppable Merli wins in Czech Republic
Classification Photos (English Version) Resounding victory for Christian Merli (Osella FA30) by more than 6 seconds to the second...
6 jun 20234 Min. de lectura
220 visualizaciones
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Ecce Homo Šternberk 🇨🇿
Download/Descarga Ecce Homo Šternberk is one of the main races in Central Europe and is also part of the European HillClimb Championship....
3 jun 20231 Min. de lectura
1174 visualizaciones
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Entry List & Streaming Ecce Homo Šternberk 2023 🇨🇿 🇪🇺
Entry List Live Timing Streaming (English Version) After the Rampa da Falperra, the European championship travels to the Czech Republic...
3 jun 20233 Min. de lectura
354 visualizaciones
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Rampa da Falperra 2023 🇵🇹 🇪🇺 - Merli wins by the minimum due to an accident
Classification (English Version) Victory suffered in Category 2 for Christian Merli (Osella FA30) after suffering a small accident in...
2 jun 20234 Min. de lectura
68 visualizaciones
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On board Fabien Bourgeon (Revolt 3P0) Course de Côte St-Jean-du-Gard - Col St-Pierre 2023 🇫🇷 😱🚀
(English Version) Spectacular on board video of the fast French driver Fabien Bourgeon with his Revolt 3P0. In the last Course de Côte...
23 may 20232 Min. de lectura
480 visualizaciones
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Entry List & Streaming Rampa da Falperra 2023 🇵🇹 🇪🇺
Entry List Live Timing Streaming (English Version) After the Subida Internacional al Fito, the European championship reaches its fourth...
18 may 20234 Min. de lectura
877 visualizaciones
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Subida a Castrillón (Massyerba)
Descarga/Download Subida de montaña basada en la Subida a Castrillón , en Boal, Asturias, de unos 4 kilómetros de longitud, que discurre...
14 may 20231 Min. de lectura
1190 visualizaciones
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Subida Internacional al Fito 2023 🇪🇸 - EHC 🇪🇺 - Merly and Werver fly in Spain
Classification EHC Classification CEM Photos Photos 2 (English Version) Christian Merli (Osella FA30) achieves the third consecutive...
14 may 20235 Min. de lectura
120 visualizaciones
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Entry List & Streaming Subida Internacional al Fito 2023 🇪🇸 - EHC 🇪🇺
Entry List/Lista de Inscritos Live Timing/Tiempos Online Itinerary/Itinerario Streaming Saturday/Sábado Streaming Sunday/Domingo (English...
5 may 20235 Min. de lectura
350 visualizaciones
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Rechbergrennen 2023 🇦🇹 - EHC 🇪🇺 - Christian Merli reigns once again in Austria
Classification EHC Classification Austrian Championship Classification Slovakian Championship (English Version) After the Course de Côte...
4 may 20236 Min. de lectura
112 visualizaciones
0 comentarios

Volkswagen Scirocco Gc10 Hillclimb - Subida Internacional al Fito (Assetto Corsa)
Track: Subida al Fito (EliCranck) 5€ Car: Volkswagen Scirocco Gc10 Hillclimb (r-gt-mods-hillclimb) (English Version) Today we present the...
1 may 20232 Min. de lectura
1918 visualizaciones
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