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15 sept 20222 Min. de lectura
On board Raúl Ferré (Silver Car CS) 🇦🇩 - Course de Côte du Mont-Dore 2022 🇫🇷
(English Version) On board camera of the talented Andorran driver Raúl Ferré. This year he is not participating fully in any hillclimb...
384 visualizaciones
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8 sept 20222 Min. de lectura
Helmet Cam ⛑📹 of On board Fausto Bormolini (Reynard K02 F3000) – Trofeo Vallecamonica 2022 🇮🇹
(English Version) Today we have a very special video with the new helmet cam that this year is being used in F1, from this perspective we...
690 visualizaciones
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3 sept 20224 Min. de lectura
Entry List Ilirska Bistrica 🇸🇮 - EHC 🇪🇺
Entry List (English Version) After St-Ursanne - Les Rangiers the European championship arrives at Ilirska Bistrica in Slovenia to face...
284 visualizaciones
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30 ago 20225 Min. de lectura
Record and victory for Christian Merli 🥇🏆🍾 - St-Ursanne - Les Rangiers 2022 🇨🇭 - EHC 🇪🇺
Classification EHCC Classification Swiss Championship (English Version) After Limanowa, the European championship came to one of the most...
329 visualizaciones
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25 ago 20221 Min. de lectura
Terrifying On board Robin Faustini (Osella FA 30) 😱😲 - Ayent-Anzère 2022 🇨🇭
(English Version) On board camera of the Swiss driver Robin Faustini who is faster every year with his Osella FA 30. In Ayent-Anzère he...
931 visualizaciones
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18 ago 20224 Min. de lectura
Entry List St-Ursanne - Les Rangiers 2022 🇨🇭 - EHC 🇪🇺
Entry List EHCC Entry List Swiss Championship (English Version) After Limanowa the European championship travels after two years to...
682 visualizaciones
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16 ago 20221 Min. de lectura
💣 The explosive On board R.Schnellmann (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VIII J-Spec) - Ayent-Anzère 2022🇨🇭
(English Version) We love the on board videos of the Swiss driver Roger Schnellmann with his fast Mitsubishi of + 800 HP. In Ayent-Anzère...
305 visualizaciones
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9 ago 20224 Min. de lectura
Even the rain can’t stop Merli 🌧✋☔ - Limanowa 2022 🇵🇱 - EHC 🇪🇺
Classification (English Version) After the Trento - Bondone the drivers of the European championship traveled to Limanowa, Poland. Where...
192 visualizaciones
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8 ago 20221 Min. de lectura
On board Christian Merli (Osella FA30) 🇮🇹 - Bergrennen Osnabrück 2022 🇩🇪 🇪🇺
(English Version) On board camera of Christian Merli who this year is dominating the European HillClimb Championship with his powerful...
1925 visualizaciones
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7 ago 20221 Min. de lectura
On board Gonzalo Díaz (BRC BR53) 🔥🏎 - Subida Les Revoltes d´Ibi 2022 (Spain) 🇪🇸
(English Version) Spectacular camera on board of Gonzalo Díaz with his BRC BR53 on the Subida Les Revoltes d´Ibi where he finished in...
323 visualizaciones
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3 ago 20225 Min. de lectura
Joseba Iraola returns to Spain only to win 🥇 - Subida a Chantada 2022 🇪🇸
Classification (English Version) After the Subida Les Revoltes d´Ibi, the CEM reaches the north on the Subida a Chantada. What at first...
138 visualizaciones
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28 jul 20223 Min. de lectura
Entry List Limanowa 2022 🇵🇱 - EHC 🇪🇺
Entry List (English Version) After the Trento - Bondone it is Limanowa's turn. As usual, the usual drivers who follow the championship...
248 visualizaciones
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24 jul 20221 Min. de lectura
On board Damien Chamberod (Norma M20 FC - Honda) Course de Côte du Col Saint-Pierre 2022 🇫🇷
(English Version) On board camera of the French driver Damien Chamberod with his Norma M20 FC - Honda on the Course de Côte du Col...
443 visualizaciones
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20 jul 20223 Min. de lectura
Entry List/Lista de Inscritos Subida a Chantada 2022 🇪🇸
Entry List/Lista de Inscritos (English Version) After the Subida Les Revoltes d´Ibi, the fourth CEM event arrives this weekend in the...
320 visualizaciones
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10 jul 20225 Min. de lectura
Merli can't handle an inspired Faggioli ⚔💪 Trento - Bondone 2022 🇮🇹 - EHC 🇪🇺
Classification EHC Classification Italian Championship (English Version) After Ecce Homo Sternberk the European championship arrived in...
349 visualizaciones
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8 jul 20222 Min. de lectura
On board Reto Meisel (Mercedes SLK340 Judd) 🇨🇭 - FIA HillClimb Masters 2021 🇵🇹 🇪🇺
(English Version) Reto Meisel (Mercedes SLK340 Judd) was one of the stars of the 2021 FIA HillClimb Masters in Braga, Portugal. With his...
692 visualizaciones
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30 jun 20224 Min. de lectura
Entry List Trento - Bondone 2022 🇮🇹 - EHC 🇪🇺
Entry List Entry List (Italy) (English Version) The fifth event of the European championship after Ecce Homo Sternberk, arrives in Italy...
650 visualizaciones
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26 jun 20221 Min. de lectura
On board Gerard De La Casa (Ford Fiesta RX) 🇦🇩 - Subida Internacional al Fito 2022 🇪🇸
(English Version) Video on board of the Andorran driver Gerard de la Casa with his new Ford Fiesta RX in the Subida Internacional al...
922 visualizaciones
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23 jun 20221 Min. de lectura
On board Roger Schnellmann (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VIII J-Spec) La Roche La Berra 2022 🇨🇭
(English Version) The Swiss rocket is back. The beautiful Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VIII with more than 800 hp drived by Roger Schnellmann...
299 visualizaciones
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19 jun 20222 Min. de lectura
On board Daniel Starwiaski (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX) 🇵🇱 - FIA HillClimb Masters 2021 🇪🇺 🇵🇹
(English Version) On board video of the Polish driver Daniel Starwiaski at the past FIA HillClimb Masters 2021 in Braga (Portugal). The...
258 visualizaciones
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